Stone It is always obtained from rock, which is solid portion of earth crust. It is small piece of rock. • Stone may be in the form of Stone block & Stone slab. e.g.- basalt, granite, marble, Kota etc. Various types of stone Characteristics of good building stone. A good building stone should have the following qualities: Appearance: The Appearance of stone should be good whenever used for face work of a building. Stone should be hard enough so that due to atmospheric action it should not be change. Stone should able to receive good polish. Light coloured stone are generally preferred. Strength: Strength of stone should be high so that they can withstand against various loads on them and disintegrated actions of weather. Stone should be tested for their strength before they are used for loaded and heavy structure. Structure: A broken stone should have uniform and dense texture. It Should be free from cavities, cracks and patches. Durability: Durabi...
Building material is a important part of civil engineering so it must be learning and updated. Generally, it is useful for students and employee of civil engineering.